100 Franklins (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator), addresses this Agreement to any individual (hereinafter referred to as the Subscriber) who enters into the Agreement by fully and unconditionally agreeing to all terms and conditions specified herein.
This document is a public offer (public offer) and acceptance (acceptance of the terms) of a public offer is the performance of actions provided for in the Agreement.
If the Subscriber disagrees with any terms of the Agreement, the Agreement is not concluded and the Subscriber has no right to use the Service.IMPORTANT! The Content of the Service does not constitute an individual investment recommendation and all instruments (cryptocurrencies or other) or operations mentioned in the Service may not correspond to the Subscriber’s investment profile and investment goals (expectations, beliefs, plans, anticipations, etc). The content does not contain advertising for cryptocurrencies. Administrator does not sell securities or offer any services related to selling of such securities.
The Content of the Service is solely for educational purposes only.Determining the compliance of an instrument (cryptocurrency) or operation with the interests of the Subscriber, investment goals, investment horizon, and level of acceptable risk is solely the
Subscriber’s responsibility.
Given the above, should Subscribers choose on their own behalf to involve in any Stock Market or Cryptocurrency Market activities, Subscribers are advised to carefully consider whether the risks involved in the relevant transactions are acceptable in light of their investment objectives and financial capabilities.
1.1. The Agreement uses terms with the following meanings:
1.1.1. Administration is a person authorized to manage the Service, interact with Subscribers (including purchasing Content), provide information support to Subscribers, as well as perform other actions related to the use of the Service.
1.1.2. Acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by performing the actions specified in clause 3.1 of the Agreement.
1.1.3. Content - literary works, musical works with or without text, audiovisual works and other types of works converted into digital format, programs for electronic computers posted by the Administrator in the Service for the purpose of their use by Users in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
1.1.4. License - the Subscriber’s right to use the Service while retaining the Administrator’s right to issue licenses to other persons under the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license.
1.1.5. Offer - this document posted on the Service.
1.1.6. Subscriber is an individual who has access to the Service via the Internet and has accepted the Agreement.
1.1.7. Service - a set of software, databases and Content, united by a single design and name, expressed through a Channel, Community, Chatbot, and Site, providing the ability to view and listen, download and (or) otherwise use Content through various types of devices: mobile phones, smartphones, tablet computers, etc.
1.1.8. Channel is part of the service, an automated information system (Telegram channel), available in the Telegram information space with the name 4% ???? CRYPTO CLUB
1.1.9. Community is part of the service, an automated information system (closed Telegram channel), available in the Telegram information space with the name CHAT | 4% ???? LEVEL No. 2 via the link that is provided to the Subscriber after payment for participation.
1.1.10. Chatbot is a part of the service, a software package available in the Telegram information space via a link that is provided to the Subscriber after payment for participation in the Community, related to the concept of Content that simulates a real conversation and performs specified actions when interacting with the Subscriber using text and (or) audio messages or Content.
1.1.11. The site is part of the service, an automated information system, available on the Internet at the address (including subdomains):
https://4.crypto100f.com/1.1.12. Telegram is a social network known as “Telegram”, available on the Internet at:
https://telegram.org2. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT
2.1. The Agreement defines the procedure and conditions for using the Service. The subject of the Agreement includes the Content and all functions of the Service, as well as any development thereof or the addition of new ones, which are explicitly available.
2.2. The Administrator grants the Subscriber the right to use the Service to view, get acquainted with the Content, including Content on a paid basis, contained in the Community and implement other functionality of the Service by displaying the corresponding technical means of the Subscriber on the monitor (screen).
2.3. Access to Content on a paid basis in the Community is provided on the basis of payment of the participation tariff, the amount and method of payment of which is established on the Site. Subscribers may also have access to installment payment in the Community from the Partner Bank (Tinkoff Bank, Citi Bank, etc.).
2.4. The right to access Content on a paid basis in the Community will be considered granted by the Administrator in full from the moment the link to join the Community is provided by sending a message to Telegram.
2.5. If within three (3) calendar days from the moment of access to the Content on a paid basis in the Community, the Administrator has not received motivated objections from the Subscriber related to the provision of the right to access the Content on a paid basis under this Agreement, it is hereby recognized that the right access to Content on a paid basis in the Community is provided to the Subscriber in full and properly.
2.6. This Agreement has the force of an act of fulfilled obligations. Acceptance of fulfilled obligations is carried out without drawing up and signing a corresponding separate act.
2.7. Accepting payments is based exclusively on financial services of partners. The security of processing money transfers is guaranteed by the financial services of our partners. Financial services of partners do not transfer the Subscriber’s data to the Administrator and other third parties.
2.8. The Administrator guarantees that he/she is the Administrator of the exclusive rights to the Service specified in clause 2.1 of the Agreement and Community. All exclusive rights to the Service and Content, including paid Content, belong to the Administrator.
3.1. Acceptance (acceptance of an offer) is the implementation of one of the following actions:
3.1.1. Read the terms of the Agreement located in the Service.
3.1.2. Payment for the Service.
3.2. By accepting the offer, the Subscriber confirms full and unconditional agreement with all the terms of this Agreement and undertakes to comply with them accordingly. The agreement can be accepted solely as a whole, without any reservations. The Administrator and the Subscriber are collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and individually as the “Party”.
3.3. This Offer does not have a specifically established period for its acceptance. The Offer comes into force from the moment of its publication (or brought to the attention of the Administrator in another form) and extends its effect to the relations of the Parties arising from December 1, 2023, and in terms of changes - from the date of publication of the relevant changes - until the day following the day publication by the Administrator of a notice of termination of the offer.
3.4. The terms of the Agreement can be changed by the Administrator at any time unilaterally out of court by publishing changes or a new version of the Agreement in the Service. Changes come into force for the Subscriber from the date following the date of their publication, provided that the Subscriber continues to use the Service after the publication of the changes or acceptance of the updated version of the Agreement.
If the Subscriber does not agree with the changes made, (s)he must refuse to use the Service.4. ADMINISTRATOR RIGHTS
4.1. The administrator has the right:
4.1.1. Terminate the Subscriber's access to the Service if he violates the terms of the Agreement or commits any illegal actions, as well as apply other measures to the Subscriber in order to comply with legal requirements or the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.
4.1.2. At any time, stop providing access to the Service, deleting or editing Content, including Content on a paid basis in the Community, as well as partially limit or stop the operation of certain functions, including the Chatbot, for the purpose of carrying out technical work in the Service.
5.1. The parties are responsible for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the legislation of the United States of America.
5.2. At all times, the Service is provided on an “AS IS” basis. The Administrator does not guarantee that the Service meets or will meet the Subscriber’s requirements, that access to the Service will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors.
5.3. The Administrator is not responsible for technical interruptions in the operation of the Service. However, the Administrator undertakes to take all reasonable measures to prevent such interruptions.
5.4. The Administrator is not responsible for the results obtained when using the Service, and is not responsible for direct or indirect losses of any kind incurred as a result of the use or non-use of the Service.
5.5. Under any circumstances, the Administrator’s liability is limited to 10 (ten) US Dollars and is assigned to the Administrator if there is negligence in his/her actions.
5.7. Any Content posted on the Service may subsequently be changed.
5.8. The Administrator is not responsible for possible losses of the Subscriber should the Subscriber elect to carry out a trading operation (transaction) on his/her own with the instruments (cryptocurrencies) specified in the Content.
5.9. The subscriber independently makes any decisions on whether or not to carry out trading operations (transactions) within the framework of his crypto-currency account, and also independently bears the risk of losses. The analytical information provided on the potential profitability of the instrument (cryptocurrency) is current as of the date of publication in the Service. Profitability for the period specified in the Service does not guarantee profitability in the future, and past investment results do not determine future returns.
5.8. Posting information on the Service does not constitute an offer to purchase/sell instruments (cryptocurrencies) or an offer to send offers to purchase/sell instruments (cryptocurrencies or other).
5.9. The Administrator is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided and the consequences of the Subscriber's use of the information. Taking into account the above, the Subscriber should not rely solely on the information provided, but should independently analyze the instruments (cryptocurrencies or other).
5.10. Examples of results containing statistical data given for a specific period of time cannot be considered by the Subscriber as a guarantee of profitability. The subscriber independently makes decisions on investing in the cryptocurrency market or other markets and bears full responsibility for the result of the decisions made.
5.11. Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that all content on the Service is protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights, and that such rights are valid and protected in all forms, media and technologies as they exist. currently, and those developed or created subsequently. No rights to any content of the Service, including, but not limited to, audiovisual works, text and graphic materials, trademarks, are transferred to the Subscriber as a result of the conclusion of this Agreement.
6.1. The Service may contain links to other sites on the Internet (third party sites). These third parties and their content are not checked by the Administrator for compliance with any requirements (reliability, completeness, legality, etc.). The Administrator is not responsible for any information, materials posted on third party sites that the Subscriber accesses using the Service, including any opinions or statements expressed on third party sites, advertising, etc., as well as for the availability of such sites or content and the consequences of their use by the Subscriber.
6.2. A link (in any form) to any site, product, service, or any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted in the Service does not constitute an approval or recommendation of these products (services, activities) by the Administrator, unless this is expressly indicated.
7.1. The claim procedure for pre-trial settlement of disputes under the Agreement is mandatory.
7.2. The claim must be sent in scanned form with the signature of the person who believes that his rights have been violated, or his representative, in a personal message to the Administrator.
7.3. The complaint must include the following information: what rights are violated; information about the person who believes that his rights have been violated; information about the representative, if the claim is signed by the representative (full name, scanned copy of the power of attorney; for the head of a legal entity - scanned copy of the order/protocol on appointment); what actions resulted in the violation of rights; a message in which, according to the applicant, his/her rights have been violated; contact information (telephone, email address, Skype nickname, if available); date and signature of the applicant or his representative.
7.4. The period for consideration of a claim is ten (10) working days from the date of its receipt.
7.5. If agreement is not reached in the manner provided for in clause 7 of this Agreement, the dispute is referred to the court at the location of the Administrator.
8.1. The Subscriber gives his consent to the Administrator for the unlimited processing of his personal data provided upon acceptance of the Offer.
8.2. Processing of personal data means recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer to third parties (distribution, provision, access), including cross-border transfer to third parties, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data data that does not fall under special categories, the processing of which, in accordance with the current legislation of the United States of America might require the written consent of the Subscriber.
8.3. The processing of personal data is carried out in order for the Administrator to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, as well as for the purpose of sending information and advertising messages to the Subscriber. In addition, the processing of personal data is carried out to improve the Content based on the analysis of the specified information, as well as to detect, prevent, mitigate the consequences and investigate fraudulent or illegal actions in relation to the Service and published Content, as an object of intellectual property of the Administrator.
8.4. The processing of the Subscriber's personal data is carried out by the Administrator using databases and service providers on various territories.
8.5. The Subscriber may at any time withdraw consent to the processing of personal data by sending the Administrator a corresponding notification to the email address:
support@crypto100f.com8.6. The Subscriber agrees to receive newsletters and promotional materials from the Administrator, or from other persons on behalf of the Administrator to the phone number or Telegram account of the Subscriber specified upon acceptance of the Offer. Consent to receive newsletters and promotional materials may be revoked by the Subscriber at any time by sending a corresponding notification to the Administrator at the email address:
support@crypto100f.com9. FINAL PROVISIONS
9.1. The laws of the United States of America apply to the relations of the Parties under the Agreement. The parties do not have any related oral agreements. The content of the text of the Agreement fully corresponds to the actual expression of the will of the Parties.
9.2. All correspondence on the subject of the Agreement prior to its conclusion loses legal force from the date of conclusion of the Agreement.
9.3. The Parties acknowledge that if any of the provisions of the Agreement becomes invalid during the term of its validity due to changes in legislation, the remaining provisions of the Agreement are binding on the Parties during the term of the Agreement.
9.4. The Parties hereby confirm that when executing (amending, supplementing, terminating) the Agreement, as well as when conducting correspondence on these issues, the use of analogues of the Parties’ handwritten signature is allowed. The Parties confirm that all notices, messages, agreements and documents within the framework of the Parties’ performance of obligations arising from the Agreement, signed by analogues of the Parties’ handwritten signature, are legally binding and binding on the Parties. Analogues of a handwritten signature are understood to mean the Telegram Subscriber ID, phone number or email address specified when accepting the Offer.
9.5. Subscriber hereby represents to the Administrator that he has read and understands all provisions listed in this Agreement.
100 Franklins